MiCOM Relays Training Package

MiCOM Relays Training Package

بسته آموزشی MiCOM Relays

مربی: دکتر سعید روستایی


MICOM P123 protection relay has been made to control and protect current and ground faults for overhead and cable lines, and MICOM P441 is one of the distance relays that’s responsible for protection control and monitoring of transmission lines.

Through this course, you can learn how to configure and work with these relays.

  • Online video training
  • Trainer: Dr. Saeed Roostaee (Profile)
  • 4 hrs pre-recorded videos + 4 hrs attached supplementary videos on google drive + data models + PDF file

Part 01: MiCOM relays range, naming, and application



Parts 2-7: exercises with MiCOM P123 and AMT105 setup. Three-phase signals are injected into the relay to test hardware connection and protection functions.

Parts 8-17: exercises with MiCOM P441 and AMT105 (configuration and PSL, event and disturbance recorder, overcurrent protection, voltage protection, negative sequence protection, and distance protection parameters)