رله بی کنترل GRB200 توشیبا

 حفاظت مرکزی باسبار GRB200
رله دیفرانسیل امپدانس کم برای توپولوژی های ساده، دوبل ، حلقه و یک ونیم کلیدی. با قابلیت انعطاف پذیری برای گسترش شبکه در آینده.

The GRD200, multi function protection IED is designed to provide comprehensive protection and control applications for transmission lines and distribution feeders in all types of network. Typical feeder protection such as multiple, high accuracy overcurrent protection elements with inverse time and definite time delay functions which can be independently subject to directional control, thermal overload, under/overvoltage, under/over frequency, circuit breaker failure and voltage controlled overcurrent protections can be provided. Among the model lineup, current-base, voltage-base or current and voltage-base configuration can be selected.

Protection functions

Low impedance differential protection for up to 8 discriminating zones and check zone
Percentage restrained characteristic ensuring stability against external faults
Countermeasure for CT saturation
Mixed different CT ratios and 1/5A ratings
Operation with out-of-service bay units
Circuit breaker failure
End zone protection and blind zone protection
Backup overcurrent and earth fault protection
Independent voltage check element (option)

Metering and recording functions

Power system currents, voltages (option) and frequency (option)
Event record
Fault record
Disturbance record

Human interfaces

Selection of HMI: Standard LCD, large LCD or separate large LCD
24 configurable tri-state LEDs selectable red/green/yellow
7 programmable function keys for user demand operation
Personal computer interface (USB and Ethernet ports)
Monitoring jacks for internal circuit test

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